wise elephant, making it happen

Nifty TeuxDeux Lists

By Sara McGuyer • Mar 17th, 2010 • Category: Analysis, Loose Ends

To stay organized I make lists for work related, as well as personal tasks. If I write it down, I know it will get done because I need to mark it off of the list. For the past several weeks, I’ve been using TeuxDeux, a dead-simple, web-based list maker.

a list made on teuxdeux.com

I’ve always been a notebook list maker.  Something about marking items off with ink has always felt incredibly satisfying, no matter if the task is small or large. I’ve known plenty of people that go so far as to add tasks to their list after completion, just to be able to scratch them off.

I’ve never been able to stick with a digital task manager or list maker exclusively. I’ve used them here and there, and yet, I’ve always kept a companion paper list. When not TeuxDeuxing, my top picks for list making are a Moleskine notebook with a fine point Sharpie or Sharpie pen, or less often with a Mirado Black Warrior  pencil.

I have to say, so far, I’ve really enjoyed TeuxDeux, designed by swissmiss and built by FictiveKin. I’m not sure what I like best  the clean design and simplicity, or that the way it strikes though tasks conjures the same type of satisfaction I find in pen and paper. Either way, it has earned a bookmark in my toolbar. While right now TeuxDeux is pretty bare bones (part of its charm, I say), their FAQ hints at upcoming mobile apps and additional features, such as being able to jump back and forth through time more quickly and adding additional viewing options. It is worth checking out if you want something very simple.

Now that I’ve fully geeked-out about my list making, please do tell. What do you use to make your lists?

Sara McGuyer is an account strategist with Wise Elephant and marketing director/board member for the Indianapolis International Film Festival. Find her on twitter http://twitter.com/sara_mc
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  1. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Amber Naslund, sara mcguyer. sara mcguyer said: @AmberCadabra I was always a paper person until TeuxDeux: http://bit.ly/aCwHUe Wrote that post in March & still using it :) [...]

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