wise elephant, making it happen

Vegetarian America?

By Jason Moriber • Aug 8th, 2008 • Category: Loose Ends, Shout Outs

Nestled in this NYTimes piece on ethanol and the higher cost of grains:

But food producers said that high prices for feed had already increased the price of meat, and that they were cutting the size of herds and flocks, meaning that supplies would soon be lower, and prices higher.

Mind you that cows are born to eat grass, not feed, so the above is for the industrialization meat (where cows eat grains humans can’t possibly digest, nor would they want to as it’s all byproducts of other byproducts), still…less beef? less chicken in our diets? Can we do without?

We need some leadership from the organic side of the aisle (or the corn lobby?), someone to make the American case for weaning ourself from industrialized food, mix in the need to cut our dependence on oil, the time is ripe.

Jason Moriber is a veteran product/project/marketing manager, underground artist/musician, and online community developer, Jason expertly builds/produces/manages clients' projects, programs, and campaigns. Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/jelefant
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