wise elephant, making it happen

Sewn News

By Sara McGuyer • Aug 10th, 2010 • Category: Trail Blazers

As news consumption shifts between mediums, the future of printed news comes into question. Somewhere between feelings of nostalgia for the tactile experience and a drive for progress and technology, there’s cause for great reflection on the role of newspapers.


Lauren DiCioccio creates mixed-media work for a mixed media world, using the New York Times as her canvas. She says,

As news-gathering departs from paper form and is conveyed instead through the television and internet, the newspaper becomes a nostaligic and old-fashioned object. I describe the beauty of the ritual experience of newspaper-reading by describing the paper as a tactile and fragile object in the language of craft. The pieces in this series are entire issues of The New York Times encased in hand-embroidered cotton muslin. I select a photograph from the paper; usually a strong image suggestive of power, leadership or communication; and embroider the image onto the fabric, applying colors in a painterly way and layering line and thread. Portions of the image remain as outline and threads tangle and unravel from the fabric.

The result is thought provoking, a beautiful illustration of what could be lost.

Sara McGuyer is an account strategist with Wise Elephant and marketing director/board member for the Indianapolis International Film Festival. Find her on twitter http://twitter.com/sara_mc
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