wise elephant, making it happen

Q: Social media? How am I supposed to use this stuff?

By Jason Moriber • Jul 15th, 2008 • Category: Ask the Wise Elephant

A: Social media is an expansive conversation with your current contacts and a way to gain new ones. If you think of a phone-call as 2-D. Social media is 3-D. Using social media can provide many solutions, it’s both an efficient method to keep in tune with your market and an addictive daily task (for some it’s nearly every minute) of sharing what you feel is important information (and sometimes not-so-important).

This blog post is simplified social media, I’m sharing this information with you, posting it for your review. My hope is you learn a little about social media, and a little about me/my company, and we can start a conversation.

The best way to get started with your own social media is to “practice”. Don’t feel you have to make a major investment of time/energy at the onset, just get your feet wet. A simple start is to sign-up for a free blog, try http://wordpress.com/. Choose a simple template (no one has to see it, yet) and write a post, don’t worry about how it looks, what the categories are, keep is simple. The post could be about what you’re working on, what you want to accomplish, or maybe it’s something fun like where you went on vacation, or your favorite movie. See how it feels. Try to write one post a day for a week and see how long it takes, and where it fits into your daily work-flow.

Very generally, this is the basics from which all other social media can get started. It requires you to both write/post/speak and then to share it with an audience. In a way it’s similar to setting up shop in a glass-fronted street-level store, where you sit in the window, working away, and folks can stop by to see what you’re up to, wave through the glass, or chose to open the door and ask some questions.

Jason Moriber is a veteran product/project/marketing manager, underground artist/musician, and online community developer, Jason expertly builds/produces/manages clients' projects, programs, and campaigns. Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/jelefant
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