wise elephant, making it happen

Data Intelligence the new king?

By Jason Moriber • Jun 23rd, 2008 • Category: Strategy & Planning

It was a “content” kingdom for while, then I believed distribution is king. Maybe it’s data intelligence? There is so much data now available but data alone is useless when not matched or managed with a criteria system to determine the new paths. Could the useful parsing, combining and culling of the data be the next kingdom?

As a consultant I’ve known an extra set of eyes will always find a new angle, and a good consultant will point the best way forward mixing external and internal criteria. MediaPost reports on a new data “fusion” product from Neilsen Co. that provided some great information for Sony that relies on data intelligence.


Jason Moriber is a veteran product/project/marketing manager, underground artist/musician, and online community developer, Jason expertly builds/produces/manages clients' projects, programs, and campaigns. Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/jelefant
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