wise elephant, making it happen

Why not businesses too?

By Jason Moriber • Mar 19th, 2008 • Category: Creative Destruction

I admire David Leonhardt’s economic piece today Can’t Grasp Credit Crisis, but can’t help feel that he wanted to expand, maybe even rant (or was it I that wanted to rant?), on one line in there…

SNIP: This is called a bailout, and there is no doubt that giving a handout to Wall Street lenders or foolish home buyers — as opposed to, say, laid-off factory workers — is deeply distasteful. At this point, though, the alternative may be worse. /SNIP

As a business owner, the truth hurts. I strongly believe it is us, the hard working, revenue generating, employee hiring, tax-paying, health-insurance scraping, entrepreneurs, sole-proprietors, the self-employed, and “small business”, that should get forward thinking incentives and low-interest lines-of-credit vs. rewards bailouts for the risk-taking high-rollers who our tax dollars are going to as a “loan”. Now, we all want to make money, that’s life, but the philosophy of the current administration seems to be if you are the biggest fish, you deserve the attention AFTER you’ve pooped your pants, while us smaller fish, who are swimming upstream, carrying the economy, not defaulting on our loans, credit-cards, whatever, are now told that credit will be harder to attain even if rates are going down.

Stimulus is a good idea, give us low-interest loans, we’ve proven we can handle money, unlike some of the bigger fish. We’ve boot-strapped our way into business-land, look to us to innovate, drive, prosper this economy, we’re already doing it.

Jason Moriber is a veteran product/project/marketing manager, underground artist/musician, and online community developer, Jason expertly builds/produces/manages clients' projects, programs, and campaigns. Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/jelefant
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