wise elephant, making it happen

Archive for the ‘Pocket Documentary’ Category

The Street Clarity of Cary Conover

By Jason Moriber • Nov 28th, 2007

Street photography is an art, a patient art, candidly keeping an eye on the prize; moments of truth, moments of combinations, moments that transcend. With photo-editing software many moments can be fabricated to the point of conviction, to where the question of “is it real” isn’t considered. So why do street work when one can [...]

The Beatiful Darkness of Chip Simons

By amanda up to 2007 (archives) • Nov 1st, 2007

What more can we say, Chip has been making images for a long while, always with one foot on the pillar of humor and the other in the sandpit of self-effacement, both mixing down, boiling, to the verge of intense imagery that doesn’t take itself too seriously. We found this particular series very engaging and [...]