wise elephant, making it happen

My “Active Marketing” Presentation (Slides/Video)

By Jason Moriber • Sep 10th, 2009 • Category: Strategy & Planning, Thinkering

Here are my slides and an edited-down video from my presentation, “Marketing Strategy for Creative Professionals.” The content of this presentation includes both tools and tactics that creative professionals should be using to be “active” in their marketing. The goal of “Active Marketing” is to display to your audience your verve for your subject, your ongoing enthusiasm, and that you are currently involved in projects. The more active you are, the more attractive you are to prospects. Also, the new economy requires a faceted approach, there is no longer one right answer on how to build a business. Creative professionals need to try the different platforms (blogs, networks, portfolios) to display their activity and see which one works best for them.


- During this presentation I found I could make one of my slides better, based on the reaction of the attendees. Please note in the video I have a formula for a routine: Research|React|Write|Share. I have since adjusted it to Research|READ|Write|Share.

- I give much deserved shout outs to Rosh Sillars and Jack Hollingsworth, who I quote.

- The excellent peeps at Screaming Panda did their darnedest to fix a lousy audio signal, and to edit down about two hours of conversation into 50 minutes of useful soundbites, so I appreciate your patience with the video.

The slides:

The Video:

Workbook / Wise Elephant: Marketing Strategy for Creative Professionals from jason moriber on Vimeo.


Jason Moriber is a veteran product/project/marketing manager, underground artist/musician, and online community developer, Jason expertly builds/produces/manages clients' projects, programs, and campaigns. Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/jelefant
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2 Responses »

  1. Was a great presentation, and great that you’ve put it online…

  2. Jason, wow thanks so much for sharing this. Only watched the first 10 minutes, but will be watching it in it’s entirety very soon.

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